Wednesday, February 23, 2011


The graphic novel of Zorro by Wagner and Francavilla is the most innovative and passionate book I’ve read. With its intricate artistic detail and use of Spanish throughout the story, Diego, otherwise known as the capped crusader Zorro, really came out of the book. This story had many elements to it, including, a love story, and a quest for revenge, and a tale of the riches to rages and back to riches. More importantly this novel symbolizes the struggles between the peons and the oppressed minorities which are the powerless, compassionate, weak, scared, victimized and poor.  This includes poor Mexicans, Native Americans, Jews, and Romani (gypsies), against the Spanish colonizers as wealthy, unjust, power hungry, abusive, racist, hierarchical, and evil.
The controversy between theses two parties has been an issue for many years and Isabel Allende, author of the novel Zorro, brought the issue to light. The graphic novel’s illustrations were so intimate and clear, the words had become ineffective. Like the saying goes“A picture is worth a thousand words”, the book became the ideal obsession. I had no idea that the separation between the “real” Spanish and the others were as severe as it was portrayed in the graphic novel and the book. I’ve starting reading the book and Allende goes into so much detail about the unlawful activity the government exemplifies. I enjoyed the characters because it not only became relatable, but also gave a sense of security to how there is always somebody watching and protecting those who are demoralized.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Jorge’s Luia Borges’s short stories have been read throughout the world, and most recently in the classroom. His psychoanalytic writing styles have sparked an awakening within me to the fact that the concept and nature of time can create an alternate reality. Also he proves that the power of imagination can take on a form of its own to make it believable to the person creating to illusion. In Borges’s short story “Gospel According to Mark”, he criticized the Catholic Church in Latin America. After reading this, I agreed with his message of the lack of knowledge of within the church. We are so far in depth with the science aspect of the supernatural, instead of the faith segment. In the short story “Emma Zuntz”, Borges explained a reality that a girl created to avenge her father’s death. I’ve been in the position where I had intensified a particular situation and created a plan to set up an individual. I believe his writings are images of the truth where the struggle of intellect and ignorance, purpose of art and the power of the imagination co exist.
“Nadie rebaje a lágrima o reproche,  Esta demostración de la maestría, De Dios, que con magnífica ironía, Me dio a la vez los libros y la noche.” - Jorge Luia Borges
Nobody should think that I, by tear or reproach, make light Of the mastery of God who,
With excellent irony, Gave me at once both books and night.